Sketch of John Oatney
1833 - 1897

Oatney, son of Benedict and Christina Otteni, was born on 10 Oct 1833 in
Fairfield County, Ohio. Although the names are spelled differently, John
eventually went by the "Oatney" spelling as did his brother, Joseph.
However, some early records show that both John's and Benedict's name
was spelled "Otney".
John worked at an early age. According to the 1850 U.S.
Census, John was employed as a laborer at the age of 16. At this time,
he was living with his family in Pleasant Township in Fairfield County,
John married
Lavina Coon (8 Sep 1840 - 20 Aug 1916)
on 5 Mar 1857 in Pickaway County, Ohio. Lavina is the daughter of Henry
and Elizabeth Bumgardner Coon.
1860, John and Lavina had set up housekeeping in Berne Township in
Fairfield County, Ohio. The 1860 U.S. Census indicated that John engaged
in farming and that he and Lavina had two children. They were listed as
Joseph and Mary.
By 1870, according to the 1870 U.S.
Census, the family had moved to Hocking Township, Fairfield County,
Ohio. The number of children increased to seven. Those listed were:
Joseph, Mary A., Elizabeth, John, Emily, Callie, and
In all, John and Lavina Oatney had 12
children. Their proper names and birth and death dates are:
Joseph Otney
15 Aug 1857
4 Feb 1932
Mary Ann Oatney
28 Nov 1858
20 Mar 1931
Elizabeth Oatney (Powers)
10 Aug 1860
20 Mar 1940
John Daniel Oatney
8 Sep 1862
29 Apr 1939
Emma Oatney (Brandt)
27 Oct 1865
19 Apr 1923
Clara Oatney (Miller)
17 Dec 1866
7 Nov 1935
Henry Oatney
7 Mar 1869
8 Mar 1952
Roseanne Oatney (Davis)
6 Jun 1871
28 May 1934
Minnie Oatney (Getz)
8 Jul 1873
9 Jan 1943
Sarah Oatney
12 Oct 1875
12 Oct 1875
Grace Lavina Oatney (Shugert)
20 Sep 1876
25 Oct 1965
Franklin Pierce Oatney
20 May 1879
20 May 1965
Row - Grace Oatney , Frank Oatney
Row - John D. Oatney, John Oatney, Lavina Coon Oatney
Top Row
- Rose Oatney, Minnie Oatney, Henry Oatney
taken circa 1883
Some of the children were
known by other names. Clara was called Callie, Emma was also known as
Emily and Mary Ann was referred to as Mayme. A scrap book maintained by
Mayme's sister, Grace, referred to her as Anna Mary and not Mary A. as
listed in the 1870 U.S. Census.
Oatney died on 15 Mar 1897 at the age of 63 years, 5 months and 5 days.
At the time of his death, he lived in Greenfield Township, Fairfield
County, 1 1/2 miles west of Dumontville, Ohio. The funeral service took
place at the Reformed church where John was member for 24 years. The
service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Schindel of Dumontville. John was
buried at Forest Rose Cemetery in Lancaster, Ohio. His tombstone bears
the name of "Oatney." (See
Find A Grave for John's memorial)
Lancaster Eagle Gazette, Lancaster Fairfield County,
Ohio, Oct 1897
The funeral of Mr. John Oatney, who died at his home
in Greenfield township one and one-half miles west
of Dumontville, Monday morning, took place from his
late residence, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
and was largely attended.
He was born on the 10th day of October 1833 and was
63 years 5 months and 5 days old when he died. He
leaves an aged wife, seven daughters, four sons, two
sisters, twenty five grand children and a host of
friends to mourn his departure. He had been a
consistent member of the Reformed church for
twenty-four years, and was a highly respected
citizen and valued member of his church. Rev. Dr.
Schindel, of Dumontville, conducted the funeral
services and was assisted by Rev. A. C. Derr, of
Lancaster. Rev. Schindel took as a foundation for
his sermon, the 44th verse of the 24th chapter of
Mathew; "Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an
hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh." From
these words, which were so well suited to the
christian life and character of the deceased, he
preached a very able discourse, which was listened
to with marked attention.
Rev. Schindel is a very earnest and forcible
speaker, and his pathetic and elegant manner is
presenting his theme, deeply impressed his hearers.
A number of the members of the Reformed church choir
of Lancaster, composed of Rev. A. C. Deer, Col. J.C.
Hite, Miss Ida Wachter and Miss Clara Bowser sang
three very suitable and well rendered selections,
which drew forth from Dr. Schindel some highly
complimentary remarks. After the sermon was
concluded, the remains were brought to Forest Rose
cemetery in Lancaster, and placed in the cemetery
Lavina Coon Oatney
apparently went to live with her daughter, Grace Lavina Shugert at 238
West Sixth Ave. in Lancaster, Ohio. She died there on 8 Sep 1916. An
article in the newspaper announced the death. It read:
to Mrs. Lavina Oatney Sunday Evening - Stroke of
Paralysis Cause of Death
Lavina Oatney, aged 75 years, eleven months and twelve
days, died Sunday evening at 4:30 o'clock at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Theodore Shugert, No 238 West Sixth
avenue, of Paralysis, when having experienced a severe
stoke on Saturday.
Oatney is survived by a large number of children, four
sons, John, of near Lancaster, Frank and Henry of
Pleasantville, and Joseph of Barnes, Kan., seven
daughters, Mrs. Theodore Shugert, Mrs. Luther Brandt,
Mrs. Charles Pierce, and Mrs. Will Davis and Mrs. Grant
Miller of Carroll; Mrs. Oliver Getz of Detroit, Mich.,
and a host of other relatives and friends.
funeral services will be conducted Wednesday afternoon
at 1:30 o’clock at Grace Reformed church.
An obituary appeared in the newspaper regarding
Lavina's funeral. (See
Find A Grave for Lavina's memorial) It read:
The funeral
services of Lavina Coon Oatney were held in the Grace
Reformed Church, Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. They were
in charge of the Rev. Dr. J.J. Leberman of Sugar Grove
assisted by Rev. E. E. Engle, pastor of the Grace
Church. Dr. Leberman spoke most comfortable and helpful
words using his text "Surely goodness and mercy shall
follow me all the days of my life." Found in Psalm 23:6.
The following obituary notice was read: Mrs. Lavina Coon
Oatney was born Sept 8, 1940 near Lancaster, O. departed
this life Aug 29, 1916, aged 75 years, 11 months, and 12
days. She was united in marriage to John Oatney who
preceded her to the world beyond some years ago. To this
union were born 12 children, one of whom the Father took
to the home above in infancy.
children, fifty-one grandchildren, and twenty-three
great great grand children remain to mourn their loss.
As a mother, words of too deep appreciation could not be
spoken, nor was she ever too weary of body to lend a
hand when there as a need.
Oatney was a life long and faithful member of the Grace
Reformed church. Her two faithful songs, "What a Friend
We Have in Jesus, and "Shall We Gather at the River,"
which are being used in this service, express her
religious life and experience. She knew what it was to
have a friend in Jesus. He bore all her sins and griefs.
Hers was the blessed privilege of carrying everything to
Him in prayer. When trials arose, when temptations
assailed, when there was trouble anywhere, she took it
to the Lord in prayer. In his arms, He took and shielded
her. She formed a solace there. Now she has reached the
shining river, now her pilgrimage has ceased, now her
happy heart is singing the "melody of peace."
I heard a
voice from heaven saying , Wright, Blessed are the dead
who died in the Lord from henceforth; year, saith the
Spirit, that they may rest from their labor; for their
works do follow with them. Revelation 14:13.
Burial took
place in Forest Rose cemetery.
Card of
The family
of Mrs. Lavina Oatney wished to thank the friends and
neighbors who extended their kindness and sympathy at
this time of bereavement, also those who sent floral
tributes, the choir, and Revs. Leberman and Engle.
Click on the following link to view
information on
the descendants of
John Oatney to the present.
(Report with documentation also available)
Descendants of John
Oatney (1833-1897)
- a privatized (dates & places of living people
omitted) 8 Generation Descendant Book (PDF), starting with
John Oatney
- 97 pages plus index.

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