Sketch of Andreas "Andrew" Otteni
1827 - 1850?
Andreas "Andrew" Otteni is the son of Benedict and Christina Otteni. According to German church birth records, he was born on 23 Jul 1827 in Urloffen, Germany. However, not much more is known about him.
Andrew came to America with the family in the early 1830's. According to the 1840 U.S. Census, the family lived in Greenfield Township in Fairfield County, Ohio. Names of children were not captured for this census, but a breakdown by age was given. In the "10 - 14" age category, the census listed 2 males. Although it is unclear who the second male was, Andreas would have been 13 years old in 1840.
The 1850 U.S. Census was a little more descriptive in that names of all people living in a household were enumerated. The 1850 census listed Andreas as 23 years old. His name had also been Americanized to "Andrew."
The 1850 census described his occupation as "Gold Hunting." The assumption is that he went West in the gold rush of 1849. No records of him in Ohio have been discovered after 1850.
1850 U.S. Census - Pleasant Township, Fairfield County,
Ohio |
Per the California Mortality Index, Sacramento County, California 1850, an "A. OTNEY" was killed near Sacramento, CA in 1850. He was listed as a miner. This may have been Andrew since the 1849 Gold Rush was in California and the 1850 U.S. Census for the family in Ohio listed his occupation as 'gold hunting'.
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Last modified:
October 20, 2022