Lancaster, Ohio, Wendesday Evening, March 14,
ANNE MOSS Aged 80 Years Passes Away
at the Home of Her
Daughter On West Mulberry street, After
Mrs. Mary Anne Moss died last evening at
5:15 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Goodwin, No. 234
West Mulberry street after an affliction of some duration, although she
had only taken her bed last Saturday. Mrs. Moss would have been 86 years
of age had she lived till Thursday.
She is survived by the
following children: four daughters, Mrs. Jennie Goodwin; Mrs. Ada
Fisher, Columbus, Mrs. Henry Miller, Columbus; Mrs. Frank Miller, Lake
street, Lancaster, and two sons, George W. Moss and Delt Moss, Columbus.
The funeral will be conducted Friday afternoon, but the hour and
place will be announced later. Burial will take place in Forest Rose
The sons, George and Delt, were expected to come down
from Columbus this afternoon and assist in directing the arrangements of
the obsequies.
OBITUARY Lancaster Daily
Eagle, Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio, 17 Mar 1917
Mary A.
Moss was born in Jersey City, N.J., March 15, 1837, and after a brief
illness of three days departed this life at the home of her daughter in
Lancaster, Ohio, March 13, 1917. Age 79 years, 11 months and 28 days.
When quite young her parents moved to Ohio and located in Ashville,
Pickaway county. On May 12, 1855, she was married to Samuel F. Moss of
Carroll, Fairfield county, Ohio, and has resided in this county ever
She leaves to mourn her loss two sons, George W. Moss and
Delt Moss of Columbus, O., and four daughters Mrs. Frank P. Miller and
Mrs. Jennie Goodwin of this city, and Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. N.B.
Fisher of Columbus, Ohio, seventeen grandchildren, twenty-one great
grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends.
Her husband
and six children having preceded her to the spirit world. Early in life
she accepted Jesus as her personal Saviour and remained faithful to the
end. She was a woman of integrity and high character, though at all
times quiet and unassuming in manner, kind and genial with all with whom
she came in contact, and at all times possessed in a large degree, the
confidence and esteem of her neighbors and friends. As a freind she was
loyal and true, and it was her delight to brighten the pathway of the
life with a helpful hand, a cheerful smile, and a kind word.
vacant chair in the home reminds us that she has gone from among us; her
pleasant and sweet voice is hushed forever; she is sleeping that
peaceful, quiet sleep that comes to the faithful, just and true.
The places that knew her once, now know her no more forever, but her
life, her character, her deeds and noble associations will live to
cherish and make more grand and noble the lives and character of those
with whom she come in contact. She will live in he hearts and minds of
those who loved her best. She did not fear to meet the great hereafter.
Mrs. Jennie Goodwin, Daughter
Card of Thanks We wish to thank
the neighbors and friends for the sympathy and flowers during the sad
bereavement of our mother, also the choir who sang at the funeral.
Children of Mrs. Mary Ann Moss
Daily Eagle, Lancaster, Ohio, Saturday, 17 Mar 1917, Page 7
TO REST The last sad service over the body of Mrs. Mary Anne Moss was
conducted Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Jennie Goodwin on West Mulberry street, by Rev. J. C. Richards of
the Church of Christ of Hiram, Ohio, former pastor of the local church.
The obsequies were largely attended by relatives and friends and burial
took place in Forest Rose cemetery.
Her son, George W. Moss,
real estate agent of Columbus, wife and daughter were in attendance at
the funeral.